Results for 'Isabel Morales Benito'

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  1.  14
    La libertad a debate: la lectura de los textos cartesianos en Sartre y Ricœur.Isabel Morales Benito - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:185-198.
    En el artículo se elabora una comparación sobre la libertad en Sartre y en Ricœur a partir de la lectura que ambos realizan de los textos cartesianos. En «La liberté cartésienne», Sartre sostiene que la libertad creadora que Descartes ve en Dios no es otra cosa que la auténtica libertad del hombre. En Lo voluntario y lo involuntario, Ricœur determina a partir de la generosidad cartesiana que «querer no es crear». Se argumenta que, valorado en su conjunto, el planteamiento de (...)
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    hábito como forma de libertad a la luz de Ricoeur.Isabel Morales Benito - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):27-49.
    El hábito es una de las encrucijadas filosóficas en las que el dilema entre naturaleza y libertad se pone de manifiesto. El artículo expone la descripción que Paul Ricoeur ofrece sobre esta noción en Lo voluntario y lo involuntario (1950) y defiende que el hábito constituye una genuina y paradójica forma de libertad, pues ésta se realiza gracias y a través de la necesidad. Se tiene en consideración el difícil punto de partida de Ricoeur, quien, por una parte, rechaza lo (...)
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    University Student’s Academic Goals When Working in Teams: Questionnaire on Academic Goals in Teamwork, 3 × 2 Model.Benito León-del-Barco, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Ma Isabel Polo-del-Río & Irina Rasskin-Gutman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Group work is a very common practice in higher education when it comes to developing key competences for students’ personal and professional growth. The goals that students pursue when working in teams determine how they organize and regulate their behavior and how they approach the tasks. The academic goals are a relevant variable that can condition the success of the group, as they guide and direct the students towards involvement in the task, the effort they make, and the desire to (...)
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    El cáncer hereditario en mujeres.Rafael Morales Chamorro, Isabel Chirivella González, Gemma Llort Pursals, Ana Beatriz Sánchez Heras, Raquel Serrano Blanch, Alexandre Teule Vega, Carmen Guillén Ponce & Begoña Graña Suárez - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a238.
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  5. La digitalización audiovisual de la ópera: nuevos medios, nuevos usos, nuevos públicos.Iván Lacasa & Isabel Villanueva Benito - 2011 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 88:65-74.
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    Differential Analysis of Psychopathological Impact of Cyberbullying in University Students.Elena Felipe-Castaño, Benito León-del-Barco, Ma Isabel Polo-del-Río, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Teresa Gómez-Carroza & Fernando Fajardo-Bullón - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  8.  32
    Cooperative Team Learning and the Development of Social Skills in Higher Education: The Variables Involved.Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Benito León-del-Barco, Elena Felipe-Castaño, María-Isabel Polo-del-Río & Damián Iglesias-Gallego - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Impact of Cooperative Learning on University Students’ Academic Goals.Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Benito León-del-Barco, María-Isabel Polo-del-Río & Víctor M. López-Ramos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cooperative learning encourages the development of interpersonal skills and motivates students to participate more actively in the teaching and learning process. This study explores the impact of cooperative learning on the academic goals influencing university students’ behavior and leading to the attainment of a series of academic objectives. To this end, a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was used, with a sample of 509 university students from Preschool, Primary and Social Education undergraduate degree courses. Using the Academic Goals Questionnaire, pretest (...)
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    Descartes' morals.Isabelle Wienand - 2006 - South African Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):177-188.
    Descartes' morals are often considered a marginal epiphenomenon not only with respect to his metaphysics, but also in regard to the ethical theories that preceded and followed it, that is, broadly Aristotle's eudaimonism, Kantian deontologism and Mill's utilitarianism. I argue in this paper that Descartes' morals do not play a merely subaltern role in his metaphysics, as is often claimed. I first present the specificity and the evolution of his morals by giving an account of his provisory and perfect morals. (...)
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    Cultura y economía en el desarrollo social humano.Benito Payarés Comas & Leandro Garnica Morales - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (3):1-16.
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    La complejidad de las relaciones entre animales: aporte de la empatía y el género a la comprensión del abuso animal.Mariana Moll, Rocío Fernández, María Isabel Morales & Patricia Mariel Sorribas - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:184-216.
    Problema: tradicionalmente se ha excluido de la esfera de consideración moral tanto al ambiente como a otros animales, aun cuando una relación positiva con ellos reporta beneficios para la salud de unas y otras criaturas y promueve el desarrollo de empatía y la emisión de conductas prosociales (Ngai, Yu, Chau, Lee y Wong, 2021). De hecho, en las últimas décadas se han observado casos de zoonosis, uso inadecuado de recursos, deterioro del ambiente y un aumento de casos registrados de abuso (...)
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  13.  26
    A Constructivist Intervention Program for the Improvement of Mathematical Performance Based on Empiric Developmental Results (PEIM).Vicente Bermejo, Pilar Ester & Isabel Morales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Teaching mathematics and improving mathematics competence are pending subjects within our educational system. The PEIM (Programa Evolutivo Instruccional para Matemáticas), a constructivist intervention program for the improvement of mathematical performance, affects the different agents involved in math learning, guaranteeing a significant improvement in students’ performance. The program is based on the following pillars: (a) students become the main agents of their learning by constructing their own knowledge; (b) the teacher must be the guide to facilitate and guarantee such a construction (...)
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  14. Virtude E sujeito moral na filosofia moral de Alasdair Macintyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (5):82-90.
    Este trabalho apresenta como os conceitos de virtude e sujeito moral se encontram caracterizados na ética das virtudes de Alasdair MacIntyre. Alasdair MacIntyre propõe a ética das virtudes como forma de devolver a inteligibilidade à pratica e teoria moral contemporânea, por meio da reapropriação de conceitos como virtude, tradição, telos e comunidade. Apresentamos, especificamente, como o autor elabora o conceito geral de virtude e como apresenta o sujeito moral tendo em vista a ética das virtudes.
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    Marie de Gournay, philosophe morale et politique à l'aube du XVIIe siècle.Isabelle Krier - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    First study devoted to the moral and political philosophy of Marie de Gournay, this book demonstrates how the power and society of the Ancien Regime were subject to profound conceptual upheavals. A philosopher and advocate of "equality", Gournay draws inspiration from skepticism and promotes rationalism.
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    Eye development: a view from the retina pigmented epithelium.Juan Ramón Martínez-Morales, Isabel Rodrigo & Paola Bovolenta - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):766-777.
    The retina pigment epithelium (RPE) is a highly specialised epithelium that serves as a multifunctional and indispensable component of the vertebrate eye. Although a great deal of attention has been paid to its transdifferentiation capabilities and its ancillary functions in neural retina development, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that specify the RPE itself. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic network that controls the progressive specification of the eye anlage in vertebrates have provided some of the initial (...)
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    (1 other version)The Logic of Moral Discourse.Isabel C. Hungerland - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):130-132.
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  18.  21
    Piedad de la Cierva en la retaguardia de la ciencia y del feminismo.Giovanni Zen & Isabel Morales - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-10.
    En el contexto feminista español de los años 30, Piedad de la Cierva, destacada científica murciana, no pertenecía a ninguna organización feminista de lucha por los derechos de las mujeres. Sin embargo, destacó gracias a su esfuerzo y trabajo. El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar cómo la científica española Piedad de la Cierva alcanzó metas personales, científicas y humanas, y qué relevante e inspiradora puede ser para otras mujeres científicas pasadas y presentes frente a las expectativas y presiones de (...)
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    Tradição, Tomismo e Teísmo na Filosofia Moral de Alasdair MacIntyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 9 (18):235.
    Alasdair MacIntyre ao realizar uma série de críticas à moralidade e filosofia moral modernas e contemporâneas defende a tese de que o desacordo moral e a ausência de justificação racional para a moralidade é fruto do abandono do elemento teleológico da ética, especialmente do abandono da ética aristotélica, o que o leva a propor a retomada da ética teleológica de Aristóteles. Essa retomada é justificada com a teoria da racionalidade das tradições, por meio da afirmação de que o modo tradicional (...)
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  20.  20
    How the Language of Instruction Influences Mathematical Thinking Development in the First Years of Bilingual Schoolers.Vicente Bermejo, Pilar Ester & Isabel Morales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:533141.
    The present research study focuses on how the language of instruction has an impact on the mathematical thinking development as a consequence of using a language of instruction different from the students’ mother tongue. In CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) academic content and a foreign language are leant at the same time, a methodology that is widely used in the schools in the present times. It is, therefore, our main aim to study if the language of instruction in second (...)
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  21.  29
    Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero).Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán - 2019 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    Este libro es un homenaje a la trayectoria intelectual y académica de la profesora María Teresa López de la Vieja, Catedrática emérita de la Universidad de Salamanca. En él se trazan algunos de los caminos que, con su obra, nos invita a transitar. El volumen recoge contribuciones de colegas de varias nacionalidades y procedentes de diversos ámbitos de reflexión que le son afines: la filosofía moral y política, la literatura, la teoría de la argumentación, los estudios feministas, las éticas aplicadas, (...)
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    Alguns elementos de espinosa nas filosofias de Marx E Deleuze.Benito Maeso - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:125-139.
    A partir da leitura comparada de trechos dos Cuadernos Spinozade Karl Marx e de Espinosa: filosofia prática,de Gilles Deleuze, o trabalho busca encontrar nestes autores elementos do pensamento espinosano, principalmente do Tratado Teológico-Políticoe excertos da Ética. Tais conexões parecem mais visíveis nos conceitos de materialismo e na relação homem-natureza. Se, conforme Marx, o concreto é a síntese de múltiplas determinações, o que relaciona-se com a ideia deleuziana da determinação da diferença como diferença de si e da História como contingência, como (...)
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    Discursos feministas orientales. El caso de Kalirroe Siganú-Parrén y Mayy Ziyada.Dolores Serrano-Niza, Isabel García Gálvez & Yasmina Romero Morales - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:191-201.
    La integración del Imperio Otomano y la progresista aparición, en su seno, de estados independientes a lo largo del siglo XIX trajo consigo la inevitable confluencia del espíritu ilustrado-romántico europeo, impulsor de las revoluciones en Europa y América, y el peso de la identidad nacional, arraigada en los esquemas patriarcales tradicionales. En ese exigente proceso de remodelación sociopolítica e ideológica, surgen discursos femeninos que, pese la escasa capacidad de maniobra, sitúan a la mujer en el epicentro del cambio y diseñan (...)
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    Cynisme et falsification du langage: À propos de Diogène cherchant un homme.Isabelle Chouinard - 2016 - In Olivier Laliberté & Vincent Darveau-St-Pierre (eds.), Qu’est-ce que le ‘dire’ philosophique? Les Cahiers d'Ithaque. pp. 19-33.
    The famous story of Diogenes searching for a man (ánthrōpon zētō̂) with his lantern in broad daylight (D.L. VI 41) has been interpreted in two ways, according to the meaning assigned to the word ánthrôpos (« human »). Proponents of the nominalist interpretation, by giving it the sense of human as a concept, see in the quest of Diogenes an attack against Plato’s Ideas. Defenders of the moral interpretation rather give the word ánthrôpos a concrete meaning with meliorative value: Diogenes (...)
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    Qui a peur de la déconstruction?Isabelle Alfandary, Anne-Emmanuelle Berger & Jacob Rogozinski (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Puf.
    Un spectre hante l'Université française : celui de la déconstruction. Créé par Jacques Derrida à la fin des années 1960, ce concept est devenu, dans l'esprit des réactionnaires de tout poil, le mot-valise désignant tout ce qu'ils haïssent dans la pensée, lorsque celle-ci cherche à émanciper davantage qu'à ordonner. Dégénérescence de la culture, mépris pour les grandes œuvres, délire interprétatif, amphigouri linguistique, danger politique, confusion sexuelle, licence morale : à en croire les ennemis de la déconstruction, tout ce qui va' (...)
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    The Impact of Technology on Humanism and Morality.Isabelle Sabau - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):164-174.
    Advances in commercialism, materialism, and especially the exponential growth of telecommunication and social media, have dramatically altered the way human beings relate to one another and their environment. New means for providing access to education have arisen including online courses and programs thereby enhancing opportunities for participation in educational offerings and collaborative exchanges across the globe. This paper proposes to examine the online learning and its connection to the ultimate principle governing the values—integrity.
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  27. Assessment and virtue in cartesian moral philosophy.Isabelle Wienand - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (3).
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    Aristotle’s account of moral development.Albert Silverstein & Isabel Trombetti - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (4):233.
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    Analysis of Moral Disengagement as a Modulating Factor in Adolescents’ Perception of Cyberbullying.Isabel Cuadrado-Gordillo & Inmaculada Fernández-Antelo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow: Morality also fuels aggression, conflict, and violence.Robert Böhm, Isabel Thielmann & Benjamin E. Hilbig - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Économie morale, morale de l'économie.Bernard Castelli, Isabelle Hillenkamp & Bernard Hours (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Face au règne hégémonique d un capitalisme financier globalisé particulièrement brutal, la quête manifeste d une autre économie sociale, solidaire, alternative se développe aujourd hui. Quelles sont les limites de l exploitation tolérable et les contestations possibles? La légitimité de l accumulation et les conditions morales de la redistribution sont ici interrogées à travers différentes époques et en différents lieux.
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    ¿Son las mujeres más sensibles a los derechos de los animales? Sobre los vínculos entre el animalismo y el feminismo.Isabel Balza & Francisco Garrido - 2016 - Isegoría 54:289-305.
    En este trabajo se analizan, por una parte, los datos sobre la presencia de las mujeres en los movimientos de derechos de los animales en el estado español; por otro lado, tratamos de encontrar marcos explicativos que aclaren cuál es el vínculo que conecta la sensibilidad feminista con la sensibilidad animalista. Hemos realizado un sondeo sobre el porcentaje de mujeres entre los miembros de las organizaciones animalistas más importantes de España y, con estos resultados, hemos hecho una revisión de los (...)
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    Individualidade e desenvolvimento moral em J. S. Mill.Isabel de Almeida Brand - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):149-157.
    O fio condutor dos argumentos apresentados por J. S. Mill em On Liberty é de que o aperfeiçoamento da humanidade tem como fonte infalível e permanente o espírito da liberdade. Nosso objetivo é mostrar que o conceito de liberdade milliana se equilibra entre a promoção do cultivo da individualidade, na sua mais ampla pluralidade, e o desenvolvimento moral da sociedade.
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  34. Haberman and Derrida on recognising the other.Isabelle Aubert - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff (eds.), Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Guilt in Tragedy (N.J.) Sewell-Rutter Guilt by Descent. Moral Inheritance and Decision Making in Greek Tragedy. Pp. xiv + 202. Oxford University Press, 2007. Cased, £45. ISBN: 978-0-19-922733-. [REVIEW]Isabelle Torrance - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):26-.
  36. ¿ La religión complementa la moral kantiana?María Isabel Cabrera Bosch - 1993 - Dianoia 39:59-74.
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    Animalidade, vulnerabilidade, dependência E florescimento humano no pensamento de Alasdair Macintyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8):13-20.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Alasdair MacIntyre em sua filosofia moral propõe uma ética das virtudes que tem como um de seus fundamentos a condição de animalidade e dependência do homem, assim como a noção de florescimento, que implica o desenvolvimento do raciocínio prático independente. Neste trabalho buscamos identificar como MacIntyre apresenta o caráter de animalidade e vulnerabilidade do ser humano enquanto animal racional e o processo de florescimento que somente se (...)
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    Shared Value and the Impartial Spectator Test.Isabelle Szmigin & Robert Rutherford - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):171-182.
    Growing inequality and its implications for democratic polity suggest that corporate social responsibility has not proved itself in twenty-first century business, largely as it lacks clear criteria of demarcation for businesses to follow. Today the problem is viewed by many commentators as an ethical challenge to business itself. In response to this challenge, we begin by examining Porter and Kramer’s :64–77, 2011) call for a shift from a social responsibility to a shared value framework and the need to respond to (...)
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    Social perceptions and bioethical implications of birth plans: A qualitative study.Maria José Sánchez-García, Francisco Martínez-Rojo, Jesús A. Galdo-Castiñeiras, Paloma Echevarría-Pérez & Isabel Morales-Moreno - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):196-204.
    Background The birth plan is a tool that allows the self-learning and thoughtful analysis of the women during the birthing process, facilitating their making of decisions and participation, in agreement with the bioethical principles of autonomy and no malfeasance. Goal: To understand the perception and satisfaction of women who presented a birth plan. Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study. The population of the study was composed of 21 women who presented a birth plan regulated in a Hospital ever (...)
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  40. Faire avec Gaïa: pour une culture de la non-symétrie.Isabelle Stengers - 2006 - Multitudes 24.
    Nature always refers to something inasmuch as it relates to something else. This « something else » is highly variable. The role of Nature as the respondent of judgements which are both hierarchical and moral is always present in modern science, without thereby being deducible from modern science. Today it presents new contrasts, new oppositions which involve multiple natures, interlinked and historical, which does not result in anything like a neutral Nature. The best example, linked to the idea of Gaia, (...)
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    Habermas: une théorie critique de la société.Isabelle Aubert - 2015 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Habermas est un des philosophes contemporains vivants les plus célèbres. Cet héritier de l'Ecole de Francfort a participé aux grandes controverses du XXe siècle, celle opposant Adorno à Popper, mais aussi à la querelle des historiens allemands. L'oeuvre abondante d'Habermas croise morale, sociologie, politique et épistémologie. Isabelle Aubert en découvre la profonde unité dans l'intersubjectivité, cette notion que l'on trouve chez Fichte et Husserl mais qu'Habermas s'est efforcé de détourner. Il ne s'agit pas d'éliminer toute forme de subjectivité mais de (...)
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    Growing Green: On the Moral Pluralism of Individual and Collective Ecological Embeddedness.Claire-Isabelle Roquebert & Jean-Pascal Gond - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Prior research on sustainability suggests that ambitious sustainability strategies are often turned into “business-as-usual” practices. Although ecological embeddedness—that is, actors’ physical and cognitive anchoring in their ecological environment—can help maintain sustainability ambitions, its collective dynamics and pluralistic moral foundations remain understudied. We rely on the economies of worth framework and the revelatory case of a biodynamic farm business experiencing sustained commercial growth to explore these blind spots by analyzing how ecological embeddedness was maintained despite this growth. We found that moral (...)
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    La philosophie de Sartre: essai d'analyse critique.Isabelle Stal - 2006 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Peut-on, comme l'a pensé Sartre, construire une philosophie concrète qui répudie les abstractions de la métaphysique en étendant la réduction phénoménologique au domaine entier de l'expérience humaine? Et peut-on fonder une telle démarche sur l'évidence de l'existence, promue au rang de certitude apodictique? Pour conduire cette enquête il a été nécessaire d'examiner la conscience, le monde, autrui, l'expérience morale et la vie politique, en suivant l'ordre d'apparition de ces thèmes dans l'œuvre philosophique sartrienne qui, depuis la Transcendance de l'ego jusqu'à (...)
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    (1 other version)The god of the machine.Isabel Paterson - 1943 - New York,: Arno Press.
    The God of the Machine presents an original theory of history and a bold defense of individualism as the source of moral and political progress.
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    Dualisms shaping human-nature relations: discovering the multiple meanings of social-ecological change in Wayanad.Isabelle Kunze - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):983-994.
    This paper reflects on the impacts of agrarian change and social reorganisation on gender-nature relations through the lens of an indigenous group named the Kuruma in South India. Building upon recent work of feminist political ecology, I uncover a number of dualisms attached to the gender-nature nexus and put forward that gender roles are constituted by social relations which need to be analysed with regard to the transformative potential of gender-nature relations. Three main themes are at the centre of the (...)
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    Caso Mampujan: valoración del daño material, moral y social en víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano.María Isabel Borda Arias & Álvaro Parra Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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    Le sage peut-il mendier?Isabelle Chouinard - 2020 - In Etienne Helmer (ed.), Mendiants et mendicité en Grèce ancienne. Classiques Garnier. pp. 189-208.
    L’apparition de la figure du sage-mendiant au IVe av. J.-C. sous l’impulsion de Diogène de Sinope provoque la résistance d’autres philosophes. C’est à la fois parce qu’il est dépossédé et qu’il sollicite des dons pour assurer sa subsistance que les adversaires des cyniques, notamment les épicuriens, refusent d’adopter la vie du mendiant. Ses défenseurs doivent lutter sur plusieurs fronts afin de légitimer son mode de vie et établir sa supériorité morale.
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    O ponto de vista do espectador e a medida do juízo moral em Hume.Maria Isabel Limongi - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):113-140.
    O ponto de vista do espectador e a medida do juízo moral em Hume.
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    Perdre des atomes: La vieillesse chez Démocrite.Isabelle Chouinard - 2021 - Archives de Philosophie 84 (2):39-54.
    In the ethical fragments, Democritus presents old age as an age when moderation develops more easily than in youth (68B294 DK). The fact that he also describes old age as “a general mutilation” (πήρωσις ὁλόκληρος) (68B296 DK) suggests that his atomic theory may have been used to account for the phenomenon. Understood as a loss of atoms in all parts of the body, the πήρωσις in turn causes leaks of psychic atoms which can have an impact on the temperament of (...)
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  50. To what extent can we overcome the „bystander effects‟ of collective responsibility in matters of global injustice?“.Isabelle Baker - 2011 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 4 (1).
    Where do we draw the line between individual and collective responsibilities? Can collectives be „morally responsible‟ in the same way that individuals can? This paper explores the Bystander Effect – how an individual‟s sense of personal responsibility can become „diffused‟ when they become part of a collective. This is compared to the issue of the collective responsibility of the „developed world‟ to aid the „Third World‟ that ethicists, such Peter Singer and Iris Marion Young believe to be true. I consider (...)
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